Gestire la complessità: l’esempio della motivazione ad apprendere
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“I bravi insegnanti … sono come musicisti jazz che reagiscono e improvvisano nei punti critici della loro
musica. Mentre suonano, in modo implicito o esplicito, riconoscono che c’è ordine nel disordine dei loro
mondi” Iannone (1995)
Motivazione ad apprendere
- BROPHY J. (2003). Motivare gli studenti ad apprendere, LAS, Roma.
- DE BENI R., MOE’ A. (2000). Motivazione e apprendimento, Il Mulino, Bologna.
- McCOMBS B.L., POPE J.E. (1996). Come motivare gli alunni difficili, Erickson, Trento.
- MARIANI L. (2006). La motivazione a scuola. Prospettive teoriche e interventi strategici. Carocci, Roma.
- STIPEK, D.J. (1996). La motivazione nell’apprendimento scolastico. Fondamenti teorici e orientamenti operativi, SEI, Torino.
Teorie della complessità e didattica delle lingue
- Cameron L., Larsen Freeman D. (2007). “Complex systems and applied linguistics”. International Journal of Applied Linguistics, Vol. 17, No. 2.
- Cvetek S. (2007). “Applying chaos theory to lesson planning and delivery”. ATEE 32nd Annual Conference ‘Equity and Diversity in Teacher Education’, University of Wolverhampton.
- Finch A. “A Systems View of the EFL Class: Mapping Complexity”. ESL Teachers Board.;read=909
- Finch A. (2001). “Complexity in the language classroom”. Secondary Education Research, Vol. 47.
- Finch A. (2004). “Complexity and systems theory: Implications for the EFL teacher/researcher”. Journal of Asia TEFL, Fall.
- Hadidi Tamjid N. “Chaos/complexity theory in second language acquisition.” Novitas-Royal, Vol. 1(1).
- Iannone R. (1995). “Chaos theory and its implications for curriculum and teaching”. Education, Summer.
- Kindt D., Cholewinski M., Kumai W., Lewis P., Taylor M. (1999). “Complexity and the language classroom”. Academia: Literature and Language, 67.
- Kindt D. (2002). “Towards a complex systems view of course design”. Nagoya University of Foreign Studies Journal of the School of Global Business and Economics, 10.
- Kozden M. (2005). A framework for teaching a foreign language class based on the principles of chaos/complexity theory. School for International Training, Brattleboro, Vermont.
- Kumai W., Lewis P., Taylor M., Cholewinski M., Kindt, D. (1999). “The language classroom on a complex systems matrix”. JALT98 Proceedings.
- Mallows D. (2002). “Non-linearity and the observed lesson”. ELT Journal, Volume 56/1.
- Tudor I. (2003). “Learning to live with complexity: towards an ecological perspective on language teaching”. System, Volume 31, Issue 1.